I've just joined the forum as looking for some information and figured you guys might be the best place to ask!
My girlfriends dad has a 2020 Hyundai Kona Petrol Hybrid - he somehow managed to CUT the rear drivers side seat belt..

I've looked into what is involved in this - and from what i can see, you have to strip a fair bit of the car down to gain access.. but other than that - it then looks like 3 bolts hold it in (noe at the bottom and two at the top) - if it was a 'normal' car then I'd probably just crack on - but given it's a hybrid - I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything before is tart the job, strip it all down and have a gotcha moment! - so has anyone had to swap one over before or does anyone know if there are any special precautions that need to be taken because it's a hybrid? - I'm looking at the prices he was quoted and figured the majority of it must come from labour costs - but just want to make sure there's not any service mode etc the vehicle needs to be put in first before i start..
ANY help or advice would be great!